Professor James Small LIVE in Toronto
Professor James Small LIVE in Toronto
**** 2 Day Lecture Series ****
When: Saturday April 29 & Sunday April 30 2017
Where: York University
Saturday April 29th
Toronto Plaza Hotel (1677 Wilson Ave)
Sunday April 30th
Lecture Topics: Saturday: Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome/Disorder
Sunday: Overstanding True African Religion & Spiritual Systems
Time: 3pm – 9pm Both days
Ticket Price: $20 each day or both days $35
Children under 16 years are FREE. Students $10 at the door, with a valid high school or post secondary school ID.
Greetings & Grand Salutations to you, Toronto’s Pan-African Community Network family!
The G.A.C.N. (Global Afrikan Community Network) Toronto is pleased to present the one and only Professor James Small.
Professor Small will take his audience on an amazing 2 day journey through the effects of the Maafa and its impact on the minds of the African family. Professor Small will relay solutions on how the African family can unravel the effects through the inner/over and understanding of the African spiritual systems and the powers that it possess. Powers that have been left and are now ready to be reclaimed.
Join us on Saturday before the lecture, for a special viewing of the documentary ‘Out Of Darkness’
Come out and support our vendors at the Black Market, the market will feature an array of African inspired products & services.
Bring your business cards and connect with others in our community!
This 2 day event promises to be a historic and memorable one, you don’t want to miss this!!
Professor Small is considered a living legend in the fight for the liberation of the minds of his people and against Eurocentric distortion of world history. Much of Professor Small’s expertise is found in African traditional spirituality, African-American history & culture. He has conducted tours of Africa for over 25 years.
For eleven years, Professor Small served as principal bodyguard to the late Ella L. Collins, the sister of Malcolm X, the then President of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (O.A.A.U.).
Between the years of 1966 and 1980, Professor Small held membership in the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (S.N.C.C.), the N.A.A.C.P, Uhuru fighters and O.A.A.U. During this period Professor Small had the opportunity to interact with such historical giants as Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Kwame Ture, H. Rap Brown of S.N.C.C, Eldridge Cleaver, Zaid Shakur, and Lumumba Shakur of the Black Panther Party (B.P.P.) in which he served as a liaison between the B.P.P. and the O.A.A.U.
Professor Small taught for nearly twenty years at the City University of New York, including 15 years at the City College of New York’s Black Studies Department, thirteen of those years also serving as an administrator and two years at New York City Technical College. Prof. Small has taught courses on Malcolm X, Traditional African Religion (Prof. Small is a priest in the Yoruba religion), Pan Africanism, Crime in the Urban Community, Urban Crisis and Issues, and African Folklore.
Prof. Small has been a member of the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization (A.S.C.A.C.) for 14 years. He served as President of A.S.C.A.C Eastern Region for two years, where he worked and studied with Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Wade Nobles, Dr. Amos Wilson and Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, just to name a few.
For Information & Tickets:
Call 647-919-0466 (Kofi)
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Ma’at Re
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For Vending Opportunities & Information:
Call 416-454-3848 (Lori)
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