
Here is a list of what we can do for you

Black Business Directory

We have members in our network apart of all business industries, click the link below to see a list of businesses and Buy From Africans.
What can we do for you?

We are here to help you organize, promote and spread the awareness of your African owned businesses, organization, event, movement, etc. We are currently based in Toronto, and our goal is to be the connection between groups in the city and the civilians in the city.

Events This Year
Events Overall

Who Are We?

We are a small collective of Black professionals whose main goal is to promote and support fellow black professionals, organizations and businesses through our impressive online presence and face to face meetings/lectures and fundraising initiatives.

What We Do Best?

The Global Afrikan Community Network (G.A.C.N.) helps in the organization of the Pan Afrikan Community and their individual initiatives. Through the G.A.C.N.'s impressive network we can greatly assist in the promotion of events for our network family.

When Did We Start?

Our parent organization, One Love, started 20 years ago, but has since been rebranded as the Global Afrikan Community Network (G.A.C.N.) in 2014. The vision has remained the same with our continued need to unite, invest and better organize ourselves on a global scale.

Where Are We Located

Our centralized location is Toronto, Canada (Toronto, named by the Indigenous people as the "Meeting Place" and recognized by the United Nations as having a representative from every country and or nationality on the planet). The G.A.C.N. connects the black world to each other!

How We Come Together?

The G.A.C.N. connects thorough scheduled weekly, monthly and annual meetings, with a clear understanding of unity and the importance of black economics.


Why Choose Us?

The diversity of the Network ensures we're not limited to one audience.

GACN 2024. Developed by: Change Promotions Inc.